CarpetsPlus COLORTILE in Bloomington, IN
CarpetsPlus COLORTILE has built a solid reputation for quality flooring, installation, and design services in Bloomington, IN. Our knowledgeable and professional staff will guide you in transforming your living space into a dream come true.
Our flooring experts have extensive product knowledge and are trained in the latest flooring styles and fashion trends. You can feel confident that your project will be done right from our door to your floor!
We proudly serve Bloomington, Bedford, Spencer, Monroe County, Owen County, Lawrence County, Brown County, Daviess County, and Morgan County, IN.

CarpetsPlus Colortile of Bloomington Indiana began in 1994 as Hoosier Floor Covering by Mark and Maryann Dougherty.
With an old door placed over two small filing cabinets as their desk, and the rental of a small room inside a local warehouse, Hoosier Floor Covering was started! Mark and Maryann built their business on honesty, integrity, quality, and service. We joined the CarpetsPlus Colortile buying group in 2001, which helped us to offer better pricing and new vendors. We are not a franchise, but a locally owned and operated store.
In 2022 Mark and Maryann handed the reigns over to Kelly and Diane McEvilly, Maryann's son and daughter-in-law. We are proud of our CarpetsPlus Colortile extended family whose knowledge and experience are unmatched in the Bloomington market.
Kelly and Diane McEvilly are proud to carry on the excellent reputation of CarpetsPlus Colortile set by Mark and Maryann.
High levels of customer service, quality of products, installation and selection are a top priority. Diane and Kelly have resided in the Bloomington area since 1994 and have three grown children, Brenna, Shanna, and Cameron. They love spending time with their large extended family and attending community events including IU sports.
Diane and Kelly are passionate about sponsoring local schools sports/music programs and supporting local charities.

Mark K. Dougherty
On January 2, 2023, Mark Dougherty, our company’s founder passed away from HuntingtonDisease.
Mark was a passionate man who was a treasure and inspiration to all who knew him. Mark hadnumerous successes in his life, receiving the CarpetsPlus Colortile Retailer of the Year Award in2003 and 2007. He opened his doors to all in our Colortile group to learn from his success byhosting the 2013 Store Summit Event. Mark was a gentle, modest, respectful man, who will beremembered for his kindness, and generosity. He was honored with a lifetime achievementaward by the CarpetsPlus Colortile group and the BASCI before his passing.
Huntington Disease (HD) is a brain disease that is passed down in families from generation togeneration. It is caused by a mistake in the DNA instructions that build our bodies and keepthem running. DNA is made up of thousands of genes, and people with HD have a small error inone gene, called huntingtin. Over time this error causes damage to the brain and leads to HDsymptoms.
HD causes deterioration in a person’s physical, mental, and emotional abilities, usually duringthe prime working years, and currently has no cure. Most people start developing symptomsduring adulthood, between the ages of 30 to 50, but HD can also occur in children, and youngadults (known as juvenile HD or JHD). HD is known as a family disease because every child of aparent with HD has a 50/50 chance of inheriting the faulty gene. Today, there are approximately41,000 symptomatic Americans and more than 200,000 at-risk of inheriting the disease. TheHuntington’s Disease Society of America (HDSA) is the premier nonprofit organization dedicatedto improving the lives of everyone affected by HD. From community services and education toadvocacy and research, HDSA is the world’s leader in providing help for today, hope fortomorrow for people with Huntington’s disease and their families. Please consider donating tothis cause. Visit
HD information obtained from HDSA website
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The team at CarpetsPlus COLORTILE in Bloomington, IN is ready to help you achieve your flooring dreams. Whether you're interested in an installation, in-home measure, flooring estimate, or more, we can help!
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